Your Group Tour Planner for Illinois
For travel inspiration and more ways to #EnjoyIllinois, visit
From the Magnificent Mile to Route 66 to wine trails and scenic byways, Illinois offers a wide variety of destinations for group tour. On this site, you can browse travel ideas, suggested itineraries, and find contacts to help you plan your next tour.

Your Resource for Finding...
- Group Accommodations
Find hotels and lodges to accommodate a large group in any region of Illinois.
- Group Dining
We can help you find places to eat for a group of 40 — or 200.
- Group Tours
Browse our listings to find tour guides for a variety of activities.
- Group Travel Itineraries
Whether your trip is a weekend tour or a five-day excursion, let us guide you.

Get Help from Local Experts
Contact a CVB
Illinois' Convention & Visitor Bureaus are here to help you plan your group travel in Illinois. Our CVBs can help you find accommodations, rest stops, large dining facilities, and more.

Illinois Group Tour Planner
Download the latest version of the Illinois Office of Tourism's official Group Tour Planner, featuring sample itineraries, information on Illinois attractions, and more.